7:30 am to 7:30 pm
House of Birth
Sundays and Feastdays
10:30 am – 11:30 am
2 pm – 4 pm
Weekdays after a minimum of 2 days prior notification
Contact: Anita Irl
Tel: 08403 / 930976
E-Mail: irl.anita@t-online.de
Parish and Sanctuary Church Mindelstetten
Location of the Tomb of Anna Schäffer
Kirchplatz 5
Parish Office Mindelstettten
Kirchplatz 2
Pilgrim Centre (with hall and toilets)
Kirchplatz 2a
House of Birth
Anna Schäffer Str. 10
First burial site of St Anna Schäffer near the church tower
Registration for a pilgrimage
Kath. Pfarramt
Kirchplatz 2
93349 Mindelstetten
Tel. 0049 8404 / 449
Fax 0049 8404 / 939313
E-Mail pfr.mds@t-online.de
Site plan
1. Church
2. Pilgrim Centre
3. House of Birth
4. House of Suffering
5. Car Park
6. Bus Park
7. First burial plot