Life & Affection
Answers to Prayers
While she was still alive, Anna Schäffer promised to many of her visitors that she would pray for them, once she herself would be in heaven. She kept her promise. At present the number of reported answers to prayers lies beyond 23’000. Just two recent examples:
Healing a serious disease of the lung
In the first half of the year 2013 a priest wrote:
On the 13th March 2013 Mr. A.B. was admitted to the hospital J in M. since water had accumulated in the lung and also both kidneys had stopped functioning. She received the Holy Sacraments. The Priest promised prayer to the critically ill woman. He and some acquaintances began to pray a novena to Saint Anna Schäffer. The patient was transferred to an old people’s home and was expecting her death. After a week some small improvement was noted which continued. After some weeks the water had drained out of the lung and finally both kidneys worked normally again without the need for any particular medicines. In the meantime Mrs. A.B’s. state of health is again as it was before.
Healing of a paralysis
On the 23rd December 2012 my husband suddenly suffered a serious inflammation of his nerve roots. He had to be admitted to the clinic in I. His condition worsened steadily. Soon he was unable to get out of bed, could not walk, just lie in bed. He was 90% paralysed. The doctors capitulated. In our need we turned to St Anna Schäffer. A picture of hers and a novena booklet I took to my husband into the hospital. We prayed the novena and continued to pray to St Anna Schäffer. 4 weeks later, following our request, my husband was transferred to another clinic in Munich Großhadern where he was given a new therapy. My husband began to improve. Thanks to the help of St Anna Schäffer my husband is able to walk again. The paralysis decreased. We often visit the tomb of St Anna Schäffer to thank her for her intercession and great help. Also in future our family will trustingly continue to pray to St Anna Schäffer