Life & Affection
To all who turned to her for help Anna Schäffer had a word of advice and comfort. To you too the Saint wants to pass on such a word:
- “In pain and suffering I find no other comfort than Jesus alone”.
- “How lucky we are, that on his throne of love we can tell Jesus everything that burdens our heart”.
- “How easy it is to pray and suffer when we feel close to Jesus”.
- “May God’s Holy Will be fulfilled in me a poor sinner”.
- “I thirst for Jesus in Holy Communion”.
- “Only through persistent and persevering prayer and through Holy Communion can we gain the strength to bear up in our tribulations”.
- “I want to advise all suffering and afflicted souls to unburden themselves in front of the Holy Sacrament”.
- “During Holy Communion Jesus grants me the strength to suffer everything in His love and for the sake of His Holy Name”.
- “How very good is Jesus! How many unmerited graces He gifts us with”.
- “Because Jesus alone is our strength and power in all our weaknesses”.
- “What delight to be united with our Saviour and what delight to be allowed to suffer with Him and to be humiliated with Him”.
- “The thought of Holy Communion comforts in all afflictions”.
- “Let us tell it to the Lord: everything we will accept gladly, everything that we receive from His hand”.
- “Especially when confronted with the Lord we should not keep any sadness in our hearts.”
- “Let us thank Him and love Him”.
- “I belong to you Oh my Jesus help me.”
- “Let us love the Lord even more the more He is abandoned by others”.
- “There is no more blessed moment than the time just after Holy Communion”.
- “Jesus alone is my comfort in suffering, my heaven on earth, my God and my everything”.
- “Holy Guardian Angel help me to suffer and to die well”.
- “Should I ever be blessed and gain eternal bliss, to get to where Jesus is, I will be a good intercessor for all of you”.
- “Let us recommend ourselves at each moment to the merciful love of God”.
- “Let us abandon all vanities and foolishness of this life and let us look to Jesus alone”.
- “To you my God be thanks – may your mercy keep us”.
- “What should I fear? Jesus’ heart is with me”!
- “In heaven we will recognise how wise were Gods ways”.
- “Seeing suffering, teaches bearing suffering”.
- “Dearest Jesus my God and my Lord, when will I possess you forever”?
- “The longing for Holy Communion often lets me forget my bitter suffering”.
- “Not to talk of Jesus - while talking or writing – that I could not do”.
- “In all bitter and difficult situations we unite spiritually in front of the Holy Sacrament”.
- “Only the divine guest in our souls in Holy Communion grants power and strength to our beggarliness and weakness”.
- “The more sick I was, the stronger was the longing for Holy Communion. My first thought is always Jesus”.
- “Come oh Jesus and nourish my poor soul”.
- “At night I hold the rosary as a trusted companion in my feverish hands and also during the days it is my anchor”.
- “The sun of my life is Jesus Christ”.
- “Just go to my tomb, I will understand you then”.
- “All who call on me I will help”.
- “All works I can do, I offer up with all my love to the Saviour”.
- “Each breath should be an adoration full of thanks and love”.
- “In everything I am so happy, that this poor sinner can hardly express it”.
- “My longing for Christ goes far beyond all earthly pain and lets me consider all difficulties as easy”.
- “Because Jesus alone is our power and strength in all our weakness”.
- “I possess three keys to heaven: The largest amongst them is made from unrefined iron. That is my suffering. The second is the needle, the third is the penholder”.
- “Whenever I see a religious sister I am happy, because she always reminds me of my desire from earliest childhood, that I would have liked to become a missionary sister”.
- “When at night or also during the day nothing much seems to work in my prayer life, I simply take a lot of spiritual breaths”.
- “Holy Spirit my God and Comforter keep us from sadness and discouragement”.
- “Lord humiliate me and raise yourself up”.
- And then I want to tell you that in everything I want to help you to pray, that everything will turn out for the best”.
- “Trust in the blessing of the Lord. God often sends miraculous help if we ask him in intense, trusting and persistent prayer”.
- “Great comfort I find in contemplative prayer, when in spirit I spend time before the Holy Sacrament – so as if Jesus took my heart away with him”.
- “Is some intention too big, so that one cannot expect any help from anybody, then o my dear soul we will go to the mother of sorrows, the comforter of the afflicted”.
- “It always is the Holy Rosary, which I love to pray, because through it one obtains a great deal from the Saviour”.
- “Holy Guardian Angel, to you I recommend at every instant my poor soul, keep it in your protection! And teach me humility”!
- “Often I think that a silent small prayer in front of the Holy Sacrament is worth more than a quiver of miserable words”.
- “Through just one Holy Communion down here I have been richly rewarded for all sacrifices and sufferings”.
- “The thought that Jesus my much beloved lives in me always causes me joy in suffering and tribulations”.
- “With all my aches and pains I throw myself daily into the ardent loving heart of Jesus and consecrate him everything which happens throughout the day”.
- “As often as I do something, write something or carry out some needlework, I always ask the Lord for his blessing”.
- “All happiness my heart desires, I find in you o Holy Eucharist”.
- “Faithful Jesus, if you strengthen and refresh me in the sacrament of your love, then I am no longer afraid and feel courage and strength to even offer up the biggest sacrifices for you”.